
Spa Programmes

Herbal compress

Herbal Compress A traditional Thai full body massage with warm packs containing plai, ginger, turmeric and lemongrass to relieve pain and inflammation.

These are applied to certain pressure points with gentle circular and rolling movements. When the pores open and the herbs work, symptoms such as aching, stiff or drawn muscles and ligaments, back pain and tension are eliminated.

90 minutes 105€
120 minutes: 120€ 

Hot stone massage

A full body massage technique that combines flowing massage strokes for the ultimate synergy of healing, balancing and rejuvenating properties and warmed volcanic basalt lava stones that glide gently over your entire body to warm and relax the tense muscles and stimulate the lymph nodes and Blood circulation, eliminate stress and fatigue. This unique treatment removes blockages, relieves mental and physical tension, balances the flow of energy and conveys a deep feeling of well-being and inner peace to take relaxation to a new level.

90 minutes 105€
120 minutes 120€

Foot Spa

Pamper your feet with a luxurious bath of rose petals and refreshing lemon slices, followed by a peeling with pink Himalayan salt, organic tamarind, honey to remove dead skin cells, moisturize and soften the skin from your feet to your knees. Round off this experience with a firm "Thai foot massage" combined with invigorating oil-based menthol cream and hot towels to loosen tight arches, toes, heels, ankles and legs.

60 minutes 60€
90 minutes 85€

Facial Spa

Our facial makes the skin supple, regulates the pH, reduces excess fat and prevents skin aging. Even with pigment disorders and blemished skin, this gentle peeling proves to be a great helper for the beauty of your skin. The treatment of the face is rounded off by a soothing facial massage.

60 minutes 60€

Monday - Sunday 10.30 - 20.00

Get in touch - +049 22 031865564

Karlstrasse 20, 51143 Cologne

Tel: +049 22 031865564